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University of Waterloo

Waterloo, Ontario

2 votes


Classics in Political Thought

learning about philosophers may seem easy, until Jan enters the picture. What hobbes says doesnt matter, what Jan says is what you will be tested on. On the multiple choice midterm always choose the answer "its rubbish" 9 times outa 10 you will be correct!

Jan Narveson is an 98 year old stubborn man, with little hair who walks around the classroom with no shoes! I dont understand how the unievrsity hasnt realized he is senile and fired his ass but when they do the world will be better off so he can stop publishing essays that about rubbish and test us on them. Jan narveson hates marx and is a liberal, kiss his liberal ass and you will surely do well. Dont bother arguing because this 98 year old man 1) wont understnad 2) refuses to listen, even if your right because he is not going to change his ways so do the rest of the class a favour and do not particaipate in debate! May god be with you if u decided to go thru with psci226!

Added by Anonymous on 2011-04-20 16:51:15

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feyurtse - 2012-03-13 20:03:02
Sharon Lee is a horrible prof. I believe this might be caused by the fact that she usually teaches philosophy. People fall asleep in the lecture but at least she is aware of it because sometimes she lets us go early. The midterm is worth 20%, and it is out of 20 marks. This means each question you answer is worth 1% of your mark and that is ridiculous. She is pretty much impossible. Questions on the midterm were such small details, people did really bad on it. You have to hand in weekly analysis papers based on articles written by political thinkers and these are sometimes 50 pages long. If you're in your right mind, do not take this course.

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