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McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario

9 votes



This course introduces the scientific methods used to study the psychology of higher order processes and interpersonal behaviour. Three hours (web modules, tutorials, discussion/review); one term

Evaluation Your final grade in Psychology 1X03 will be determined by the following measures: Written assignments 30% Written assignments will be completed both individually and in groups. Assignments will be distributed in tutorial. Tutorial participation 10% At the end of the term your tutor will assign you a grade out of 10% based on your contributions during tutorial sessions. Examinations 60% A midterm examination worth 20% will be written in October, and a cumulative final examination worth 40% will be written in December. In-Class Quizzes (Optional) 10% At the end of every class session, a short quiz on the week's material will be completed. If your cumulative grade on this component is higher than your the grade of your final exam, the weight your final exam will be reduced by 10%. Research participation (Optional) 5% Students have the option of completing two hours of research credits with the Department of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Behaviour. These students will have the weight of their final examination reduced by 5%.

Added by sherdil on 2005-01-21 01:20:00

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User_576 - 2016-01-13 23:51:08
B Fall 2015 Dr. J Kim
If you watched the modules it was pretty simple
Sneha Shetty - 2014-08-20 20:36:07
C Fall 2014 Dr. Kim
If you're in Engineering, don't take it !! It's not that easy when you have 5 assignments for math and then a test for Psych on a Friday night x_x Its not too bad getting 90's on the tests ( its online tests ) but the exam is worth 50% and its quite challenging.
sherdil - 2009-09-12 13:54:37
Need a review of this course. What is included in the *Writing assignments*.

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