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McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario

8 votes


Introductory Microeconomics

An introduction to the method and theory of microeconomics, and their application to the analysis of contemporary economic problems.

Easy assignments and tests as long as you go to lecture.

Added by Anonymous on 2005-01-21 01:20:00

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plokin - 2011-12-22 20:41:35
this yr the exam was really really bad u actually had to treat as the real course got harder
fakeaccount - 2011-01-06 21:13:32
Boring course!! pretty easy to do bad if you don't keep up.
avsky - 2010-03-15 16:41:14
Just do your aplia and you'll do just fine
parkkh5 - 2009-04-17 14:59:38
2 midterm(15%and 25%, 6 in class quizzes,3 aplia (3%)each, and final(45%) easy course!!

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