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Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario

1 vote

ASTR 101

Astronomy 101: The Solar System

A non-mathematical introduction to the science of astronomy for non-specialist students. Topics to be covered include the fundamentals of astronomy; an introduction to the tools and techniques of modern observational astronomy; the historical development of our understanding of the Earth, Moon and Solar System; space exploration of Mars, Jupiter, and other planets; the nature of the Sun; and the origin and uniqueness of our Solar System.

Added by Anonymous on 2021-04-06 17:50:02

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Anonymous - 2021-04-06 17:50:02
B Fall 2020 Hanes
Really well organized and explained. I had no background in physics and still found in pretty easy. Prof was amazing, gave 2 chances on every test (open book, one every two weeks) and a proctored final exam made up of questions from the tests and exam bank. My fav class first year, I actually feel like I learned so much! Highly recommend!!

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