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McMaster University

Hamilton, Ontario

1 vote


Society, Culture and Environment

Human geography is the study of patterns and processes of the earth’s human or social environments, including population change, economies, cultures, politics, settlements, as well as human interactions with the natural environment. The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the theories, methods, and patterns of human geography, and in particular social, cultural, urban, and political geography, and environmental studies. Speci2cally, this courseo3ers a geographic perspective on the spatial signi2cance of culture and cultural di3erence; cities asforms of cultural settlements; the rise of urban societies; the meanings of cultural landscapes; perspectives on global politics; humans’ changing relationship with the environment; and contemporary environmental issues

Added by Anonymous on 2020-06-24 17:01:47

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Anonymous - 2020-06-24 17:01:47
B Winter 2020 Melanie Bedore
A lot of your mark is participation and the rest is an assignment and midterms and the exam. Very easy to do well in this course if you pay attention and study a little.

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