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University of Toronto

Toronto, Ontario

1 vote


Representation 1- Undergraduate Studio

Representation I is a studio-based introduction to the conventions and techniques of graphic communication and visual representation in the design disciplines. The course serves as a hands-on introduction to drawing technique and theory, analytical drawing and diagramming, geometry and composition. The influence architects have on buildings is always mediated by the representations they produce. Architectural representation is the set of methods, rules, and conventions that facilitate the translation of an architectural idea into material form. This course will introduce students to foundational representational techniques – orthographic and perspectival drawing and rendering – emphasizing their use in both traditional and digital media. Studio sessions will be supplemented by tutorial sessions that situate these techniques in their historical and theoretical context. In this course, students will be introduced to tools and techniques used for graphic communication in the design disciplines. Through the practice and discussion of these techniques, this course should provide students with the information, experience and support to allow them to develop: - a practical understanding of the standard conventions of architectural drawings, including: orthographic, oblique, axonometric, and perspective drawing types. - a practical understanding of standard conventions of presentation graphics. - an ability to translate representational concepts and conventions between traditional and digital media. - an introductory-level grasp of the historical and theoretical importance of various drawings types in the context of the design disciplines. EVALUATION Project 1 (Due Week 5) 25% Project 2 (Due Week 9) 25% Project 3 (Due Week 13) 30% Progress Assignments (2% per assignment) 14% Growth 6%

Added by Anonymous on 2017-04-16 18:35:09

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Anonymous - 2017-04-16 18:35:09
A Winter 2017 Tom Ngo
Amazing Professor, very understanding and willing to go out of his way for his students. Very informative and great lectures!

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