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Queen's University

Kingston, Ontario

1 vote

BIOM 300

Mathematical Modeling in Biology

The course covers mathematical techniques that are frequently used in biological modeling, particularly as it pertains to ecology and evolutionary biology. The material presented will center on how to formulate and construct sensible mathematical models for biological processes, how to obtain numerical solutions of the model, and how to use various mathematical techniques for analyzing the models in both discrete- and continuous-time. The course will introduce all techniques in the context of biological problems and examples, and will emphasize how to use mathematics to better understand biology.

Added by Anonymous on 2016-12-06 13:29:49

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Anonymous - 2016-12-06 13:29:49
C Fall 2016 Scott Greenhalgh
I do not suggest taking this as a bird course anymore. It can be hard to understand the concepts and you have to use softwares like Maple and/or Matlab. If you don't understand how to use these, it will take you twice as long to finish the assignments. The only people who seemed to understand and do well in the course were physics or math majors.

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