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University of Toronto

Toronto, Ontario

1 vote


Essentials of Biodiversity Science and Conservation Biology

“Classical” and “new” concepts in biodiversity and conservation. Topics may include: evolution and ecology in the past (Holocene) and future (Anthropocene); levels and kinds of biodiversity; valuing biodiversity through ecological economics; causes of endangerment; predicting extinction; genetic and demographic theory; habitat protection and captive breeding; conservation policies and endangered species acts; designing future biodiversity.

Added by Anonymous on 2016-04-21 16:29:23

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Anonymous - 2016-04-21 16:29:23
A Winter 2016 Gross
3 hour class, held once a week. 4 tests, 25% each non cumulative. Both lecture notes, textbook ( online) and additional videos/readings. Way too many readings, but tests were easy: Fill in the Blanks/definitions, short answers, and an essay question.

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